Product Discovery Workshop: Beyond The Scope Of Medical Products

product discovery workshop beyond the scope of medical products

In the healthcare sector, product discovery workshops are crucial. The healthcare sector simply cannot tolerate failure, despite the fact that uncertainty about the future exists in every sector and market.  Medical device failures and malfunctions always have a negative impact on people’s health because they are frequently used in patient care settings and in the homes of users. 

When failures happen, the company that sells the product discovery frequently has to intervene and publicly recall all affected copies—or, at the very least, give customers advice on the issue. Additionally, if it fails, the expense of any product may force the business to close.  Knowing industry trends and the issues that other firms are facing can put you in a better position to succeed. However, Medical device firms cannot develop products unless they properly understand the needs of their clients. 
big data for healthcare service provider

Product discovery workshop for medical products

On the other hand, in the highly competitive medical device industry of today, having a clearly defined, effective process for requirements planning is even more crucial; organizations must be more responsive to customer needs than their rivals. The keys to making this happen are to make sure you involve everyone. who has something to gain from the process, streamline the requirements development process, and use tools that guarantee precisely developed from the outset. 

It’s important to get a good diagnosis. We won’t even start a significant medical product design project without it. At GrowExx, we create a thorough product discovery workshops as a starting point for conversation with stakeholders. which gives us all a clear picture of the work that lies ahead. This is not the beginning of a project; that will happen once we start dealing with the product itself. We can examine the business, market, and product goals with the help of the product discovery workshop. We frequently find untapped prospects that are outside the purview of the project we were asked to discuss. 

A product discovery workshops agenda :  

agile discovery workshop

Our product discovery workshop agenda’s Pre-conversation questionnaires are used to kick-start participants’ thoughts and compile background data before workshops are offered. Our staff speaks with stakeholders from all the different departments inside the client firm either before or during the workshop. These one-on-one interactions produce high-level insights from those with the most industry knowledge. We strive to determine what matters to each person. So, we keep those goals in mind as we work on the project. These individual viewpoints contribute to the overall project objectives. 

The purpose of the product discovery workshop and delivery might range from one to two full days, depending on how complex the client’s needs are. It takes time, of course, but we’ve learnt that in order to start the project off on the right foot, it’s crucial to have the important stakeholders from various business groups—marketing, finance, R&D, sales, operations, etc. – present at the meetings. As the project progresses, the consensus that was established at the meeting helps prevent conflict. It might take years and millions of dollars to design a medical product, therefore it would be reckless to start without getting feedback and support. 

Device Producers :

Whether the customer is an established business or a startup, whether there are internal design and engineering activities or not, we customize the product discovery session to their specific needs. However, we always include four important areas of analysis. 

User needs 

Designing medical devices starts with identifying and addressing user needs. Additionally, the FDA has expectations on the procedure a business should use to document, address, and ultimately validate that those needs have been satisfied. We often discover the most openings or gaps in this category. 

Organizational demands 

In the product discovery workshop and delivery, the majority of our team’s work is listening. It followed by exploring and clarifying the opportunity with follow-up questions. Finding consensus among stakeholders on the business aim, which serves as the foundation for the next scope of work, is the goal.

Finding Opportunities and Gaps 

We know  that the product  discovery workshops don’t simply give a project a framework when we deeply engage a client in these six categories at the beginning of a project. It reveals gaps that occasionally change the project’s course. 

As we initiate these discussions and interview stakeholders, we can find that the team is passing up a chance. For instance, one of our clients approached us with the idea for a gadget to cure a problem; but, after conducting research and discovery, we found that avoiding the illness offered a more profitable business opportunity than treating it. 

Regulatory specifications 

Will this meet FDA regulations? is one of the most important queries during the creation of any medical device. To assist our clients’ teams in understanding what they must provide from a regulatory aspect, our Discovery Workshop includes a basic examination of their organizational structure. We frequently hear from our clients that having confidence in the products we recommend will adhere to regulatory standards thanks to our own quality management system. 

 We recognize that business executives have busy schedules. It’s a lot to ask to stay in a meeting for a day or longer. However, our Discovery Workshop helps to develop a strong and fruitful bond between our staff and our clients. Risk is introduced when development is started before the business, the market, and the opportunity are fully understood. 

Moreover, “Design is not just what it looks and feels like,” stated Steve Jobs. “Design is how it works,” and there are some pretty intriguing systems in place to make things work efficiently. The cost of rushing through these processes is almost never affordable. Of course, there are price and schedule constraints, but skipping stages to reach a “good” result can cost us more money and time because we will have to recreate the majority of it later. 


At GrowExx, our work fundamentally connects technology to people. When a client comes to us with a technology solution or product for the medical field. We help them identify the market need and connect that product with real users. We believe, one can’t create great products without that kind of insight. Contact us to know more.  


Vikas Agarwal is the Founder of GrowExx, a Digital Product Development Company specializing in Product Engineering, Data Engineering, Business Intelligence, Web and Mobile Applications. His expertise lies in Technology Innovation, Product Management, Building & nurturing strong and self-managed high-performing Agile teams.

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